Särestö is a unique culture destination to visit around the year.
Visit in Särestö offers peaceful atmosphere with a wide variety of Lappish culture;
history, architecture, sense of old way of living and colourful art of Reidar Särestöniemi.
Museum and exhibitions are located in three different buildings surrounded by lappish nature.
Welcome to experience the home and art of local artist Reidar Särestöniemi (1925-1981).
Särestö is open around the year
TUE-FRI 12-18
SAT 10-16
Last entrance one hour before closing time.
We recommend to reserve 1,5-2 hour to visit the museum.
Welcome to experience Särestö!
Open around the year, closed on public holidays
Visit in Särestö
For groups we kindly offer guided tours and entrance to the museum
also outside of the public hours starting at 10 AM.
Please reserve your group visit in advance:
Reservations, guided tours and cafe/lunch reservations:

Currently in Särestö
Exhibition in Särestö Cafe
Jermu Lakka - Four seasons

Seuraava lukupiirin kokoontuminen 27.2.205 klo 17.00
Teema runot, luettava kirja Timo K. Mukka - Punaista
Keskustelemassa Mukka-tuntija, runoilija ja kirjoittaja Sini Silveri
Reidarin lukupiirissä keskustellaan ennakkoon valikoidusta kirjasta.
Kirjat on valikoitu Reidar Särestöniemeä kiinnostaineista teoksista tai aiheista.
Lukupiiriä vetää Kittilän kirjastotoimenjohtaja, tietokirjailija Noora Mustajoki.
Keskustelun alustaa museonjohtaja Anne Koskamo siitä, miten luettava kirja liittyy Reidar Särestöniemeen, jokaisella kerralla on oma teema.
Mukaan linjoille voi ja saa tulla, vaikka ei olisi lukenut kirjaa!
Tervetuloa, lukupiiri toteutetaan yhdessä Kittilän Kirjastotoimen kanssa
ja on osa REIDAR100 -juhlavuoden ohjelmaa.
Verkkotapaaminen Microsoft Teamsissa, sama linkki toimii joka kerralla.

Reidar Särestöniemi
- information coming in english soon -
In year 2025 we will celebrate Reidar100 - anniversary as it will be
artist Reidar Särestöniemi's 100th birthday.
We are looking for Redar Särestöniemi's artwork for the anniversary exhibitions.
Please contact with picture and details
Museumdirector Anne Koskamoon
(anne.koskamo@sarestoniemenmuseo.fi, p. 040 136 1112)

About Reidar
500 Terry Francois Street, San Francisco, CA 94158
info@mysite.com / Tel. 123-456-7890
"There is only myself in my paintings. In them are my happiness and my pain, my unfulfilled longing, my whole life.”
Reidar Särestöniemi (1925–1981) is one of the most famous Finnish artists and the most important Lappish artist of his time. He was born as the youngest child in the seven-child family of Alma and Matti Kaukonen, later Särestöniemi, in the Kaukonen village of Kittilä.
Reidar Särestöniemi studied at the Finnish Academy of Arts in Helsinki (1947–1952) and the Ilja Repin Institute in Leningrad (1956–1959). Särestöniemi's career as an artist took off with his first solo exhibition, which he held in Helsinki in 1959. Apart from his student years, Särestöniemi lived his entire life on his home farm. He was awarded the title of artist professor in 1975. Reidar Särestöniemi was a colorful person who, in his time, sparked debate about the content of his art as well as his own personality.