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Reidar's morning walk

opastus omalle ryhmälle

Ask about the program for your group!

The duration of the program is 3.5 hours


Price €75 minimum 10 persons

• Museum tour with the theme of Reidar's morning glory (45 min)

• forest tour: get to know Reidar's birch tree and learn about forest therapy, stress management skills with the help of nature. How do I draw the healing power of trees and nature? (2x45min)

• a break for herbal tea (coffee) and a bun

• workshop (45 min):

- morning glory as I see it

- the forest as I experience it

- in the workshop you will realize your own koiviko work: watercolor painting or dry pastel painting

Huh! This is also very suitable for e.g. workplace tyky day. Request an offer.

Guided by artist, nature guide Paula Sieppi and museum lecturer Jaana Hokkanen


Mie am mie - experience workshop


Mie olen mie - experience workshop is based on the method of empowering photography, developed by art and social educator Miina Savolainen. The earliest known project is the ten-year child protection project, The World's Most Beautiful Girl, which started in 1998.

Mie olen mie - the experience workshop started from the "aha" experiences experienced in the training Professional basics of empowering photography.
Although the experience workshop is based on the Empowering Photo method, the workshop organized in Särestö cannot be used as a tool in the social, health or educational fields.

In this method, the working tool is not actually photography, but the gaze and the way of seeing. Filming is done in pairs or in small groups with genuine Polaroid cameras from the 70s. At its best, I am me - the experience workshop gives its participants the experience of being seen and heard. Our spirit is strengthened and the group's mutual trust increases.

The experience workshop can be recommended, for example, to a group of friends, a family, a work community, a bachelor party... However, the essential thing is that all participants want to participate.

Särestö as a milieu offers a wonderful setting for the experience, and the guided thematic tour of the museum, part of the experience workshop, sheds light on the life and personality of the artist Reidar Särestöniemi.

The workshops are held on Mondays, when Särestö is closed to other museum visitors. This is how we ensure peace of mind for the participants.

The Mie olen mie experience workshop is guided by museum assistant Katri Alatalo, who completed the Vocational Basics of Empowering Photography training in 2013 and the Photographer's Professional Qualification VAT 2008. Katri has several years of experience as a workshop instructor. 
Museum director Anne Koskamo acts as a guide on the museum tour.


Number of participants: 4-9 persons
Duration: Estimated 5-7h.  The duration is determined by the number of participants and the customized content.
Price: from €380/ group. The price includes: Mie olen mie - experience workshop, museum entrance and guided tour. Camera use and guidance. 1 film/person. Morning coffees and savory pie, soup lunch and afternoon coffee and Särestö's homemade bun.
Language Finnish




Toiminnallinen museoretki Särestössä
- tervetuloa taiteilemaan ilman ennakkovarausta!

19.7., 26.7., 2.8. ja 9.8.2024 klo 15.00


Tutustumme asiantuntevan oppaan seurassa Reidar Särestöniemen
kotiin, elämään ja taiteeseen päänäyttelyn "Haihtuvat vaihtuvat kukkivat pälvet" avulla.
Vanhalla kotitilalla tutustutaan vanhaan Ounasjokivarren elämäntapaan,
taitelijan Ateljee-kodissa pääsee halutessaan kokeilemaan kuivapastellimaalausta.

Opastetun kierroksen jälkeen saa kukin tehdä oman, mukaanotettavan kuivapastellityön ohjatusti Reidarin Ateljeessa. Inspiroitua voi esimerkiksi Reidarin tarinasta, Särestön luonnosta, omasta mielenmaisemasta, voimaeläimestä - tai voi vain leikitellä väreillä!

Taidetyöpajaan osalistuminen ei edellytä taideharrastuneisuutta. 
Ohjelman vetää Särestön oma väki ja ohjelma sopii erinomaisesti
myös lapsiperheille.

Retken kesto n. 2 tuntia.

Retken hinta: Aikuiset 35€, lapset (7-15v) 10€ 
(Museokortilla 25€/10€). 

Hinta sisältää sisäänpääsyn, opastuksen ja taidetyöpajan. 
Retkelle ei tarvitse ilmoittautua etukäteen, riittää saapua paikalle

vähän ennen ohjelman alkua. 



Teemaopastuksia tilauksesta 

- arkkitehtuuri 

- taidehistoria

Pyydä tarjous!



Opening Hours
TUE - FRI 12-18, SAT 10-16
Last entrance one hour before closing time
open all year, closed during national holidays

FEES - ticketsales from the Café

  • Adults 15 €

  • Children, students and pensioners 12 €

  • Family ticket (2 adults and 2 children 7-16 years) 42 €

  • Group ticket 12 € / person (min. group size 12 persons)

  • Free entrance: ICOM card, Museum Card and kids under
    7 years


  • Guided tours on request:
    -  75 
    € per small group max 11 person

    -  150 € per group min 12 person 
     Entrance fees according the pricelist.

contact information

Särestöntie 880 
99110 Kaukonen 

​​tel. +358 (0) 16 654 480 (Info)

Anne Koskamo, museum director
tel. +358 (0)40 136 1112

Saana Veltheim, service manager

tel. +358 (0) 16 654 480

Raija Ylitalo, collections curator
tel. +358 (0) 16 654 480


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© 2019 Särestöniemimuseo

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