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the last waste - an emergency for arctic nature

6.11.2019 - 31.10.2020 
Gallery, Särestöniemi Museum

In the art of Reidar Särestöniemi (1925–1981), who comes from Kittilä Kaukone and has also lived there almost his entire life, his northern roots can be easily found. Lapland's nature, Särestö's circle of life and the spiritual heritage of the family were all factors that inspired the artist and influenced his work. The new main exhibition that opened at the Särestöniemi Museum in November 2019 5cc79d_5cc79d_5cc79d_5cc79d_598888598598885988598888888888888588581 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_esittelee Reidar Särestöniemen (1925-1981) teoksia, joilla taiteilija halusi ottaa kantaa luonnonsuojelun puolesta. Näyttelyssä on esillä Särestöniemi-museon omien kokoelmien lisäksi_cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_works by Kirsi and Keio from the collections of the Eerikäinen Taidesäätiö. 


Reidar Särestöniemi: The last waste, Loppunajajettu (Tapporaha) 1974.

Kirsi and Keio Eerikäinen Art Foundation. 

Reidar Särestöniemi expressed his thoughts about the destruction of nature and its consequences colorfully not only in his paintings but also in his numerous interviews. He said in an interview with Lapin Kansa in 1975: "Maybe I'm a romantic. But I also take a stand in my work. Same here. The wolf is alone and as a monkey walking along the edge of a large forest. I'm not aggressive. There's just enough aggressiveness. I'll tell you in these paintings things to people. And I show what I see."

Opening Hours
TUE - FRI 12-18, SAT 10-16
Last entrance one hour before closing time
open all year, closed during national holidays

FEES - ticketsales from the Café

  • Adults 15 €

  • Children, students and pensioners 12 €

  • Family ticket (2 adults and 2 children 7-16 years) 42 €

  • Group ticket 12 € / person (min. group size 12 persons)

  • Free entrance: ICOM card, Museum Card and kids under
    7 years


  • Guided tours on request:
    -  75 
    € per small group max 11 person

    -  150 € per group min 12 person 
     Entrance fees according the pricelist.

contact information

Särestöntie 880 
99110 Kaukonen 

​​tel. +358 (0) 16 654 480 (Info)

Anne Koskamo, museum director
tel. +358 (0)40 136 1112

Saana Veltheim, service manager

tel. +358 (0) 16 654 480

Raija Ylitalo, collections curator
tel. +358 (0) 16 654 480


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© 2019 Särestöniemimuseo

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